The Five Cs of Co-Parenting During the Holidays

Robin M. Mermans, Esq
April 4, 2023

This holiday season, we’re all dealing with more than we anticipated. It’s been a difficult year for many reasons and many families are experiencing stress and tension. That’s why I’m working to spread awareness about healthy co-parenting techniques for families of divorce.

As a licensed mediator and collaborative family law attorney, I’ve helped many families navigate the world of shared parenting. This is also the case in my personal life as I’m a mother and stepmother. My husband and I have five children together through two separate parenting agreements.

Here are my top five tips for co-parenting during this unique and unprecedented holiday season:


Communication is everything in a shared parenting relationship. Despite your personal feelings, you need to be able to discuss what is best for your children. For some, it helps to think of a parenting partner as a professional business partner. Your conversations should be respectful, clear, and honest.


While you may not have a relationship with your parenting partner, your children do. Support one another and be mindful of how the other may feel. Maybe that means making sure your children are able to pick out and purchase a Christmas gift for their other parent. It could also mean helping them make or bake a dish to take to a holiday dinner with their other family.


There may be situations where you and your parenting partner need to compromise. From a disagreement over travel plans to who is purchasing something your child wants for Christmas. When in doubt, resort back to your parenting agreement. If necessary, bring in a neutral third party to guide you to a mutually beneficial compromise.


Have confidence in your parenting partner. Trust their parenting decisions and choose your battles wisely. While you may disagree with minor things like the Christmas Eve dinner menu or how much time is spent on electronics on Christmas Day, as long as your children are safe, loved, and well taken care of, don’t battle over the little things.


Consistency is key when it comes to co-parenting. Children need stability in their lives and ensuring that they have a good relationship with both parents is part of this. Your children will be healthier and happier if they have a reliable and consistent shared parenting experience.

We’re Here to Help

If you have any questions about co-parenting or are looking for guidance, please give us a call at (980) 260-1600. Our Charlotte-based team is here to help you and your family.

The ROAD to RESOLUTION Divorce Blog can help you differentiate the fact from the fiction, and guide you towards the support you need during this difficult time. Use our resources and services to find all the info you need—from pre-divorce education to drafting essential legal documents. Please contact us today to find out more about how we can help you.

Note: This blog is intended to be informational only and shall not be construed as legal advice.

Robin M. Mermans, Esq
Founder and Principal Attorney

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